HM Defense "Raider M5" pistol AR15 ON SALE!!!! $1099.00
We have 2 available! Read complete specs at http://hmdefense.com/index.html

HM Defense AR15s DefenderM5 in 5.56 and Guardian F3 in 300 Blackout both on SALE!!!
Details at http://hmdefense.com/index.html

HM Defense AR15 Billet "Commander MB5" $1599.00!
Hard to find in Billet and these are the last of them.. ....we have 2 in stock..... Full details at http://hmdefense.com/index.html

HM Defense Avenger chambered 6.5 Creedmoor topped with a Leupold Mark 4 LR/T $ 3655.00!
The latest from HM Defense chambered in the accurate 6.5 Creedmoor topped with a hard to find Leupold Mark 4LTR/T which is no longer...

Performance Shop M2 3-Gun Edition! On SALE! $2150.00 SOLD!!!
Multi-gun and tactical shotgun competitions push firearms to their limits demanding the highest level of reliability and solid functional...